Monday, January 17, 2011

Bedan Tradition, Bedan Culture, Bedan Integration

Freshmen Integration Week at San Beda Colleges

1st Day: Jejemon Day

This is the start of the hell week. On this day we are required to dress up as retro modern jologs or popularly known as “jejemons”. This is part of embarrassing or should I say testing the students’ tolerance towards public attention and criticisms. It started with a mass. Then, the opening ceremonies which is boring for me. And then the awarding of the most creative jejemon or should I say the Most Promising Jejemon that day. And surprisingly, Legal Management students grab the most slots in the top 10. They garnered 7 slots. This scenario made me laugh. Just imagine, our future lawyers and courtsmen are terminal jejemons. Haha! Epic isn’t it? Oh well, I guess they really want to shine that day. I got astonished when they called out the top 10. They are really award winning in terms of costume. Its my first time to see a necklace with a freakin’ wall clock as a BLING? What the? And a huge shutter shades that covers the entire face. Thats a wow. And also outfits installed with lights and dazzles. Woah. And of course the color matches of the outfits from orange, yellow, red, green, and many more. Well, all did end well. So I guess this day was a blast.

2nd Day: Class Presentation Day

There is nothing much to talk about this particular day. We just performed our so called Class Presentation and gone home. Simple as that.

3rd Day: Plants vs Zombies Day

I was absent during this day because of a fever which I got from a date with my awesome pal. Oh well. Even if I am not here, I’m still gonna fill you in with details of what happened this day. The class was expected to wear a costume inspired by the game Plants vs Zombies. The guys are the plants and the girls are the zombies which I disagreed upon because the guys should have been the zombies instead of becoming the plants. Although plants are cool but it does not suit the guys that much. Oh well. I cannot argue with that now. Its done and finished for God’s sake. Too bad I did not attend. Nevertheless I’m happy for them. My costume supposedly was a Doom-Shroom (this is the black mushroom who explodes and leaves craters after exploding) which was derived from a farmers hat which I covered with tons of newspapers. Too bad I was not able to use it. Oh well. All was looking good and awesome with their costumes and faces (according to the pictures) that day. And as a proof, our class won the Best in Plant costume and Best in Zombie Costume. How’s that? I know right. AEC is just awesome.
4th Day (Last Day): The Judgement Day

This is the day where all the shits are in. The last day. They call it the Integration Ceremonies/Rights. This is the day where all the freshmen are damned with shits and fucked with asses. Haha. Sorry for exagerrating. Oh well. The day started with a peaceful and solemn mass. And afterwards the Integration Proper started. There were a lot of speeches along the way that made me tensed. All the freshmen were required to use black shirt black shorts and trash slippers. But for the guys, you are required to be topless (luckily for me I did not do it). We were dressed up as Indians with paint in our faces and bodies. The first round was all freshmen students were to sit close to each other and have their blind folds on. After that, the upper class men will start torturing us by spilling ketchup and mayonnaise inside your shirt (God that was disgusting), pouring condiments like vinegar and some random shits in our entire body, at our face (which makes me wanna throw up during the ceremony). There were also fresh eggs crushed unto our face, head, body, etc which added to the foul smell of the condiments. After getting sticky and smelly, we were splashed with flour. Which I did not like because I might get rashes or allergies from it. Then, when we think all things are finished, it started to get worse. We were asked to crawl, roll, glide, spin, and play with mud around man-made obstacles just like the ones that are used in the military. At first I was scared, but later on, I got excited too. Crawling is hard and painful for the legs. Integrators are mean and ferocious which added to the agony of the obstacle. They’ll treat you like their slave and force you to work and perish more which I totally get pissed about. We were showered with rotten vegetables (yuck!!), rolled in flour in countless times, and crawled some more in mud. After that a buffet was waiting for the frosh. But it was not an ordinary buffet. Fresh celery, tomato, bitter gourd, cucumber, and garlic were served. The ones that I did not like was the celery, bitter gourd , and the garlic. My most hateful part of that experience was to eat 2 pieces of garlic together with a slice of bitter gourd at the same time. That tasted like nightmare. I almost threw up. Like I said almost. And then, after the hell buffet comes the catfish challenge. The challenge was to put the alive catfish in your shorts while crawling in mud. After hearing what I have to do, I just cursed silently and tried it. The catfish was crawling and biting inside our shorts close to my “thing” which feels very irritating. After that, You have to bathe yourself with spoiled jellies and make it as your facial wash. That was grouse indeed. That was the end of the obstacle course but that was not the end of the frigid ceremony. We ran in Mendiola looking like “taong grasa” and smelling worse than the creek. Everybody was staring, but we don’t fucking care. All we want was to get this shit all over and done with. After the ran we head back to school premises where two big firetrucks were waiting for us. The “Red Baptism” was about to start. All of us were bombarded with large volume of water which feels nice and very refreshing even if it hurts. That was also the signal that the Integration Rights were over and we can all take a bath now. But there’s a huge problem. Right. No water.

During the afternoon, different departments were to showcase their talents. We performed a musical and gained overwhelming responses from the students. After all the departments were done, there comes the night.

This was the awarding ceremonies. Different bands were there to perform like Pedicab, Kenyo, Antonio Markova (I think), and so much more (I can’t really remember.). The so called rock fest was for the freshmen. That concert had served as the celebration behind the torture they suffered during the day. At the end, we were awarded with several awards like the Best in Plant Costume, Best in Zombie Costume, Most Integrated Class, and finally the 22nd overall champion during the event.
All the hard-work and pain really paid off. Thanks to all the support of the entire Economics family. After all the happenings, the only thing I could say is “I am now a Bedan, and this is what we call The Bedan Legacy.” May the Legacy continue and foster for the generations to come. Animo San Beda.

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