Monday, January 24, 2011

How I use!

There are many ways to use social networks, particularly Facebook. But as for me, I have a handful of uses for it. Some of them are the ff:
  1. For entertainment purposes. What else could be the top of the chart rather than this. Facebook provides me leisure that I very much enjoy. When everything gets down the drain, Facebook is my almost-always therapy. It's less fun than blogging but still you see different links to stuff that you might like. It's like a big chat room that you enter wherein you can see the things you would like and would not like the same time. Reading posts over posts replenishes my energy even if it does not concern any bit about me. Weird. But I find it very entertaining. It's one of my non-sadistic ways of reducing stress.
  2. For communication purposes. Of course, this would always come up. What's a social network for if it's not for communication right? It would be nonsense if it's not. Facebook is a page of interaction of those who are closely related, seemingly related, and those who are not connected at all. You can call it a popularity site sometimes wherein you show off the best pictures you have may it be yours or not. Sometimes, it's the editing that is noticed. Weird. But it's true. Well, I am one of those actually. At least, I admit wholeheartedly. Not like those who-must-not-be-named persons. But as for me, Facebook provides more than communications but knowledge as well. I seldom use my phone, which my classmates find very annoying. Oh well. I guess it can't be helped. What I lack in texting, I very much apply in typing. Facebook is kinda my phone really. It's where I communicate with those who are concerned with things I don't know. Like studies and projects for example. I'm the type of guy who forgets much of those things so basically I ask. And boy I asked hard. It's a cheaper way of getting in touch with those you know now, yesterday, and way back. In simple terms, is my new Blackberry, Nokia, LG, and anything else.

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Magpakalalake ka!"

Someone asked me to wake my nerves, unravel my thoughts, and squeeze my mind in order to create a blog or according to her a review about this video. So, here it is. But, seriously, I don’t really know what to say. I came from a different specie compared to this one. And as expected, guys doesn’t talk about this stuff. But because someone dear to me asked for this, theres an exemption. BTW this is also my birthday gift to her. :)) A video review. Haha. Anyways. Talking about homosexuality is a never ending case or being in the third sex for that matter. In a religious aspect, it’s not acceptable. To other countries perception like Iran and Uganda, it’s not acceptable nor entertained. In fact it’s illegal to them. In the Philippine context, it is half acceptable half not. But, in my perspective, it should be acceptable. If I look at it in a religious way, gays and lesbians are still human beings or sons and daughters of God. It is true that there was never a mention of gays and lesbians in the context of the Bible. But is it enough? Our society is subjected to changes and that includes us. How I wish our Bible updates it’s context every now and then so that it could clearly adopt to the changes in the society. I am not being an atheist or anything closely related to that matter. What I’m trying to say is, we should let ourselves be open to changes by not caging ourselves in a context of a book. Happiness is the primary inspiration and we should stick to that. As the old Filipino saying goes, “Kung san ka masaya, suportanta ka!”. Freedom paves the way to happiness thus happiness fulfills the very essence of freedom. Anyways, here I am again, caught up with my biased opinions and reactions forgetting again the very reason why am I posting. Oh yes. Going back to reality, this video by Justin Villanueva was indeed a good one. It was brief, straight to the point, and still containing a certain mystery. I watched the video myself from start to finish. I thought it was about a guy who doesn’t have the courage to take responsibility towards his girl’s pregnancy. The moment I finished watching it, that was the time I got damned. Seriously, WTF? But it really hit its mark. Anyways, if your gay, then just say it. No matter how hard the circumstances would be, in the end, you will just be running in circles with it. So the best way is to let it all out in one shot, hibernate for quite some while, and be free afterwards. Remember, true happiness is modified. One cannot define happiness for somebody else. So, the very essence of being happy is doing what’s inside your heart. Cheesy as it may seem, but, it’s fucking true. Don’t prolong the agony, just the history. :) Until next blog. :”>

It's a guy thing.

We guys don’t care if you talk to other guys. We don’t care if you’re friends with other guys. But when you’re sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn’t help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we’re still there. We don’t care if a guy calls OR TEXTS you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned.
Nothing is that important at 2 am that it can’t wait till the morning. Also, when we tell you you’re pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/cute/stunning, we freaking mean it. Don’t tell us we’re wrong. We’ll stop trying to convince you.

A perfect example of a disaster turned into a gift.

W-I-S-E (Walang Iwanan Sa Ere)

First video of Tropang Wise. I could still remember how we ended up as a group. It all started when Geoff, Joana, and Me have to finish some of the reports we have to prepare in a flash and discuss it after. It was a troublesome day indeed. All was pressured and nervous. We decided to create that report on Jeoffrey Tuazon’s place (Merok for short.) which he suggested to us in the first place. Meanwhile, Garie Brinas (Gale Marie Brinas) and Kee-ruh (Kyra Faye Canumay) wants to tag along with us in finishing the report so we gracefully said YES. Joe (Joana Oliva) was indeed the most nervous person that time. The afternoon started out fine when all of a sudden someone called me, it was Edward Arriba, one of my dearest friends in San Beda at present. I let Garie answer the call, and got shocked with the news she got. According to Edward, Emil (Emiliano Santos), one of my dearest friends also, got hit by a car. We were all nervous that time so we decided to run to the destination where Emil was presumptuously hit. We didn’t care about the heavy pouring of the rain or what it could have done to us at the moment. The only thing that was on our minds that moment was to help Emil in every way that we can. When we arrived at the so called crime scene, we were astonished by what we saw. We saw 3 people, relentlessly laughing at us. In short we got PRANKED. I got pissed off so I just turned my back and walked away so that I would not have to say anything harsh to them.

Bedan Tradition, Bedan Culture, Bedan Integration

Freshmen Integration Week at San Beda Colleges

1st Day: Jejemon Day

This is the start of the hell week. On this day we are required to dress up as retro modern jologs or popularly known as “jejemons”. This is part of embarrassing or should I say testing the students’ tolerance towards public attention and criticisms. It started with a mass. Then, the opening ceremonies which is boring for me. And then the awarding of the most creative jejemon or should I say the Most Promising Jejemon that day. And surprisingly, Legal Management students grab the most slots in the top 10. They garnered 7 slots. This scenario made me laugh. Just imagine, our future lawyers and courtsmen are terminal jejemons. Haha! Epic isn’t it? Oh well, I guess they really want to shine that day. I got astonished when they called out the top 10. They are really award winning in terms of costume. Its my first time to see a necklace with a freakin’ wall clock as a BLING? What the? And a huge shutter shades that covers the entire face. Thats a wow. And also outfits installed with lights and dazzles. Woah. And of course the color matches of the outfits from orange, yellow, red, green, and many more. Well, all did end well. So I guess this day was a blast.