Monday, January 24, 2011

How I use!

There are many ways to use social networks, particularly Facebook. But as for me, I have a handful of uses for it. Some of them are the ff:
  1. For entertainment purposes. What else could be the top of the chart rather than this. Facebook provides me leisure that I very much enjoy. When everything gets down the drain, Facebook is my almost-always therapy. It's less fun than blogging but still you see different links to stuff that you might like. It's like a big chat room that you enter wherein you can see the things you would like and would not like the same time. Reading posts over posts replenishes my energy even if it does not concern any bit about me. Weird. But I find it very entertaining. It's one of my non-sadistic ways of reducing stress.
  2. For communication purposes. Of course, this would always come up. What's a social network for if it's not for communication right? It would be nonsense if it's not. Facebook is a page of interaction of those who are closely related, seemingly related, and those who are not connected at all. You can call it a popularity site sometimes wherein you show off the best pictures you have may it be yours or not. Sometimes, it's the editing that is noticed. Weird. But it's true. Well, I am one of those actually. At least, I admit wholeheartedly. Not like those who-must-not-be-named persons. But as for me, Facebook provides more than communications but knowledge as well. I seldom use my phone, which my classmates find very annoying. Oh well. I guess it can't be helped. What I lack in texting, I very much apply in typing. Facebook is kinda my phone really. It's where I communicate with those who are concerned with things I don't know. Like studies and projects for example. I'm the type of guy who forgets much of those things so basically I ask. And boy I asked hard. It's a cheaper way of getting in touch with those you know now, yesterday, and way back. In simple terms, is my new Blackberry, Nokia, LG, and anything else.
  3. For STALKING. Hahahaha. I do this a lot. But I believe I am not alone in this part. I stalk. Yes I do. But not in a creepy manner as those of the movies. I am the discreet type. I stalk silently. And is my very medium. As for a normal guy like me, it's very normal to have crushes and likes. And due to lack of self confidence and courage, we just settle in cyber stalking. I guess this also can't be helped. Is it my fault to look at those public pictures? Yes it is not. It's my legal rights and I'm taking full account. It's an unusual act but can't you blame me? Blame BOREDOM.
  4. For BULLYING. Yeah, you heard it right. I'm a cyber bully myself and is my partner. Self acclaimed self renowned ladies and gentlemen. There are persons who irritate and annoy me in their own natural ways and it pisses me off. Since confronting them would be off for me, I just smile at them, and bully them in cyberspace for revenge. Yes, I know. It's a very cowardly approach. But what could I do? Despite the "buff" body, I'm a very sensitive guy. I am not like those who punch each other in the face and both gets a fucked up face afterwards. A very immature move. It's not like I can't fight. Of course I can. But as much as possible, I stay away from it because I very much treasure this face of a stunner. *wink* Talking about cyber bullying, let me share some things I do. Cyber bullying according to me is this: Posting shits on his wall like trash talks and offensive stuff regarding your concern without exposing your real identity. If you think cyber bullying is easy. Then think again. It's one of my talents and I forbid to say it's easy. :)
  5. For expressing/sharing a piece of myself. This is what I call personal touch. I want to share to people, even if they didn't want to, the things I feel, hear, know, think, and does may it be in the past, present, or future. This is one way of opening yourself to others. Some says that social networks are for those who lack of social skills and for those who are coward. Well, basically, it's not. Posting comments, statuses, and other stuffs like blogs requires great courage before you can do it. Even if it's not physically attached to you, but emotionally it is. So for those who think otherwise, Fuck yourself. 
I hope you learned something from my habits. Thank you for reading. Until next blog. :">

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