Monday, January 17, 2011

"Magpakalalake ka!"

Someone asked me to wake my nerves, unravel my thoughts, and squeeze my mind in order to create a blog or according to her a review about this video. So, here it is. But, seriously, I don’t really know what to say. I came from a different specie compared to this one. And as expected, guys doesn’t talk about this stuff. But because someone dear to me asked for this, theres an exemption. BTW this is also my birthday gift to her. :)) A video review. Haha. Anyways. Talking about homosexuality is a never ending case or being in the third sex for that matter. In a religious aspect, it’s not acceptable. To other countries perception like Iran and Uganda, it’s not acceptable nor entertained. In fact it’s illegal to them. In the Philippine context, it is half acceptable half not. But, in my perspective, it should be acceptable. If I look at it in a religious way, gays and lesbians are still human beings or sons and daughters of God. It is true that there was never a mention of gays and lesbians in the context of the Bible. But is it enough? Our society is subjected to changes and that includes us. How I wish our Bible updates it’s context every now and then so that it could clearly adopt to the changes in the society. I am not being an atheist or anything closely related to that matter. What I’m trying to say is, we should let ourselves be open to changes by not caging ourselves in a context of a book. Happiness is the primary inspiration and we should stick to that. As the old Filipino saying goes, “Kung san ka masaya, suportanta ka!”. Freedom paves the way to happiness thus happiness fulfills the very essence of freedom. Anyways, here I am again, caught up with my biased opinions and reactions forgetting again the very reason why am I posting. Oh yes. Going back to reality, this video by Justin Villanueva was indeed a good one. It was brief, straight to the point, and still containing a certain mystery. I watched the video myself from start to finish. I thought it was about a guy who doesn’t have the courage to take responsibility towards his girl’s pregnancy. The moment I finished watching it, that was the time I got damned. Seriously, WTF? But it really hit its mark. Anyways, if your gay, then just say it. No matter how hard the circumstances would be, in the end, you will just be running in circles with it. So the best way is to let it all out in one shot, hibernate for quite some while, and be free afterwards. Remember, true happiness is modified. One cannot define happiness for somebody else. So, the very essence of being happy is doing what’s inside your heart. Cheesy as it may seem, but, it’s fucking true. Don’t prolong the agony, just the history. :) Until next blog. :”>

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