Monday, January 17, 2011

A perfect example of a disaster turned into a gift.

W-I-S-E (Walang Iwanan Sa Ere)

First video of Tropang Wise. I could still remember how we ended up as a group. It all started when Geoff, Joana, and Me have to finish some of the reports we have to prepare in a flash and discuss it after. It was a troublesome day indeed. All was pressured and nervous. We decided to create that report on Jeoffrey Tuazon’s place (Merok for short.) which he suggested to us in the first place. Meanwhile, Garie Brinas (Gale Marie Brinas) and Kee-ruh (Kyra Faye Canumay) wants to tag along with us in finishing the report so we gracefully said YES. Joe (Joana Oliva) was indeed the most nervous person that time. The afternoon started out fine when all of a sudden someone called me, it was Edward Arriba, one of my dearest friends in San Beda at present. I let Garie answer the call, and got shocked with the news she got. According to Edward, Emil (Emiliano Santos), one of my dearest friends also, got hit by a car. We were all nervous that time so we decided to run to the destination where Emil was presumptuously hit. We didn’t care about the heavy pouring of the rain or what it could have done to us at the moment. The only thing that was on our minds that moment was to help Emil in every way that we can. When we arrived at the so called crime scene, we were astonished by what we saw. We saw 3 people, relentlessly laughing at us. In short we got PRANKED. I got pissed off so I just turned my back and walked away so that I would not have to say anything harsh to them.
After that, we all walked away and continue to the supposed destination, which is McDonalds. I entered and ordered some food so that my temper would rush down. But it became more worse. My food fallen to the floor causing the ice cream and the softdrinks to spill unto me. Darn. I have been soaked with ice cream and coke all over. Right at that moment, I began to realize that it has becoming much worse as the time goes by. In short, I’m having shits for the day. When we got to Jeoff’s dorm, all of us were feeling tired and tricked and pissed off of what happened earlier. But still we continue to do what we have to do. When the night enveloped the sky, six of us remained. Me, Learned, Joana, Garie, Kyra, and Jeof. We decided to chill out for a while and have some drinks. Then that was the start of a beautiful friendship. I so love that day. Oh well. BTW, this video was taken at Sai’s dorm (she is Jeof’s bestfriend) where we left off after drinking at Jeof’s place. :)) Sabi nga ni Jeof: “Fuck means Love, so, FUCK YOU ALL”.

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